Completing Beginner Class is a pre-requisite
Upon completing the Beginner Class, students will have developed a strong foundation in Computational Thinking.
In Advanced Class, they will be exposed to Syntax-Based Coding using programming languages such as Roblox, Full Stack Web Development and Python.
Students will apply their knowledge to create their own projects such as coding their websites.
Advanced Online Coding Class for Kids
ADVANCED II (Website Design)
Completing Advanced I is a pre-requisite
Your child will now dive into Full-Stack Programming, which involves both the back-end and front-end. Your child will be required to apply their concepts and solve complex inter-linking problems!
Using the 3 main programming languages for Webapp making, i.e, HTML, Javascript and CSS, your child will learn to code their own E-commerce website from scratch. This skill may come in handy if your child chooses to be an entrepreneur in the future!
Learning Checklist
HTML/Javascript/CSS Programming Language
Website Design
Full-stack Programming
ADVANCED III (Intro to Python)
Completing Advanced II is a pre-requisite
Ranked #1 as the “Most popular coding language”, learning python will allow your child to have access to a wide range of applications in the future!
Designed based off Singapore’s Mathematics curriculum, your child will learn python while solving actual primary school mathematics questions!
Learning Checklist
Python Programming Language
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
MoE (Ministry of Education) Mathematics Curriculum
Real Life Application
Math Question
Understand the question and write the code!
Final Step
Run the Scratch Program and get the solution!
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